Public Good Course: Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Student Association
COURSE DESCRIPTION The course is designed to present a professional development forum for students seeking certification in Nonprofit Management/Leadership from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance. The course brings students together to examine professional preparation and practice issues through a series of activities that encourage critical analysis and self-exploration. The course serves as a professional network, a support group, a source of critical thinking exercises and a point of implementing student activities for the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Student Association. The course is unique hybrid learning environment that offers a blend of “professional association” and “student organization” type activities. COURSE GOALS The course…
Business Administration SL Course
Course Description This service leadership course is designed to blend academic study with community service (through service-learning). In this course the students will form consulting teams to serve non-profit organizations by applying business concepts and skills to mutually agreed-upon projects. In this approach, all parties to the arrangement are seen as learners and teachers as well as servers and served. Dealing with issues related to service projects, reflection, and evaluation will be essential elements of the course. This is not a traditional lecture course. Since the course is designed to be taken by students during their Senior year, the…
Visual Art & Social Entrepreneurship SL Course
COURSE UNDERPININGS Social entrepreneurs are innovators who focus on designing and creating concrete products and services that address social needs and problems. Unlike scalable startups the goal of a social entrepreneur is to seed awareness of organizer collaboration and effective business models for creating micro-enterprise. The Chesapeake Arts Center (CAC) located in the middle of the community will serve as a secure place to foster, stimulate and sustain the “culture” of place through the management of an accessible maker-space and workshop. The culture of Brooklyn-Curtis Bay (southeast Baltimore City) and northeast Anne Arundel County is fragmented and complicated by the…
Introduction to Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Required Materials: Busse and Pascal Joiner, The Idealist Guide to Nonprofit Careers for First-Time Job Seekers, available online for free at: All course materials will be available through Blackboard. Course Description: Surveys the role of the nonprofit and voluntary organizations in American society including the history, theory and challenges of the third sector. Includes a service learning project where students serve as philanthropists to their local community through the Students4Giving Project. Prerequisites: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores. Recommended: BA 101. Please note: This course qualifies as a business elective at PCC and PSU…
Special Topics: Philanthropy
Course Description “Philanthropy can be both a potent vehicle through which public needs are met and an instrument for the expression of private beliefs and commitments” – Peter Frumkin, Strategic Giving, 2006 The roots and impact of philanthropy runs deep in American history and culture and the role of philanthropists and philanthropic organizations is pervasive in contemporary American society. The interplay and interrelationships between donors and nonprofit organizations will be the focus of this course. It will examine trends and issues impacting philanthropy. This will include a critical look at the growth and role of nonprofit institutions, their relevance and…
Philanthropy & Grant Making
COURSE DESCRIPTION: For thousands of years philanthropy—the desire to help humanity through charitable gifts—has built universities, hospitals, and museums, preserved the arts, fed the hungry, housed the homeless, and most importantly made the world a better place. Philanthropy, students will discover, is not just reserved for the rich, but for anyone interested in serving humanity and making a difference. This course will be a unique opportunity and experiment in “student philanthropy” because our class will invest a minimum of $12,000* (in real money!) in local nonprofit organizations. This opportunity for grant making is made possible by Students4GivingSM—an initiative of Campus…
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