Public Good Course: Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Student Association
COURSE DESCRIPTION The course is designed to present a professional development forum for students seeking certification in Nonprofit Management/Leadership from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance. The course brings students together to examine professional preparation and practice issues through a series of activities that encourage critical analysis and self-exploration. The course serves as a professional network, a support group, a source of critical thinking exercises and a point of implementing student activities for the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Student Association. The course is unique hybrid learning environment that offers a blend of “professional association” and “student organization” type activities. COURSE GOALS The course…
Business Administration SL Course
Course Description This service leadership course is designed to blend academic study with community service (through service-learning). In this course the students will form consulting teams to serve non-profit organizations by applying business concepts and skills to mutually agreed-upon projects. In this approach, all parties to the arrangement are seen as learners and teachers as well as servers and served. Dealing with issues related to service projects, reflection, and evaluation will be essential elements of the course. This is not a traditional lecture course. Since the course is designed to be taken by students during their Senior year, the…
“Trends in Nursing” students attend “Nursing, the Community and Legislation” seminar
Four students enrolled in Trends in Nursing attended a seminar at the New Jersey State Nurses Association regarding the legislative process. As a result of what they learned from the seminar, the students interest was piqued, motivating them to follow a bill through the legislative process regarding mandatory overtime. Subsequently, they attended a senatorial committee meeting where they witnessed first hand the importance of their participation in the political process, as well as how their support and involvement could make a difference within the community. After reflecting on their experiences, they decided to prepare a document describing this process as…
Teacher education program incorporates community engagement
Changes in society warrant changes in education. As the United States as a whole is affected by progress in technology, developments in the economy, or shifts in values and beliefs, schools must evolve in response if they are to prepare youth for the world in which they live. Change in education occurs on a variety of levels, and a number of colleges and universities have used their resources to touch on many of these levels: from k-12 to adult to teacher education. It is the contention of Service Matters that one of the most important changes that can occur in…
Seminar in Nonprofit Leadership
The goal of Nonprofit Education Programs at WMU is to strengthen the capacity of leaders to carry out the missions of the organizations they serve. This is accomplished through education, community-service, and research designed to improve the contribution that public-serving organizations can make to society. Special emphasis is placed on individual and community development as the pivotal function of nonprofit organizations and collaboration as the central mode of public problem solving. Lester M. Salamon articulates the key educational and community challenge facing us today, “The central challenge, particularly the central management challenge, confronting efforts to solve our pressing societal problems…
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