Community Projects in the Arts and Humanities
Email: T, Th 10-11:30 Ostafin Room, West Quad Arts of Citizenship: 232C West Hall This course is an experiment in community-based teaching and learning. On the one hand, it is a practicum for collaborative public projects in the arts and humanities; on the other hand, it is a seminar that explores the significance of culture in community life and the promise and problems of collaboration between universities and communities to create new cultural resources. The Projects Practicum: This section of UC 313 sponsors four projects, all organized by the UM Arts of Citizenship Program. Each of you will work…
Creative Arts for the Young Child
ECE 156 – 001 Fall 2002 Instructor: Mellisa A. Clawson, Ph.D. Office Location: 201A Franklin Hall E-mail: Class Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30 1:45 p.m. Office Hours: Monday 2:00 4:00 p.m., Tuesday 9:30 11:30 a.m., Thursday 10:30 11:30 a.m. (These hours are set the first two weeks of classes only; regularly scheduled hours will be announced in class). Required Text: There is no required text for this course. Articles will be distributed in class. (Please see the List of Readings below). Course Overview: The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with approaches to the creative arts in…
Art and Architecture – Integrative Field Experience
Fall/Winter 1999 Mon. and Wed., 1 1/2 hours between 1:30 and 4:30 (to be set in the first weeks of class), and arranged times. Number of credits is most likely 3, but will be determined depending on the number in the class and the work plan. Urban planning students must take 6 credits for this course by the end of the school year. Other students may take the course for 3 credits for one semester with an appropriate work plan and permission of the instructor. Classroom to be arranged, Art and Architecture Bldg. This class will work as a community…
Video Production
Catalogue Course Description This class provides an introduction to basic video theory and production techniques. Classes focus on mastering technical elements of production and developing a familiarity with the grammar of the moving image. Students conceive and produce individual final video projects using portable equipment. There is a service learning theme to this course. Course Objectives: By the completion of the course, students will: 1. Become familiar with the operation of portable video cameras; 2. Develop an understanding of video picture composition; 3. Become familiar with basic lighting techniques; 4. Explore aesthetics in production messages; 5. Understand basic editing techniques…
Television Workshop
Class Period: Tuesday 4:00 – 6:45 Room: Television Studio Office Hours: Monday 2:00 – 3:30, Tuesday 1:00 – 3:30, By Appointment Textbook: Video Basics 2 By Herb Zettl. There will be additional readings Course Description and Objectives: This course is an advanced television production workshop. There will be three main components to it: aesthetics, studio production, and Service Learning. The Service Learning component will engage students in the production of television materials addressing critical social issues and in support of community organizations and non-profit groups that lack the financial and human resources to fund such media production activities. Service Learning,…
Service Learning: Modern Dance
Service-Learning: Modern Dance is a course designed specifically to offer the Modern Dance Major a practical experience in community service. The class, which meets once a week for 90 minutes, is an elective open to sophomores, juniors, or seniors (as to second year graduate students) in Modern. Course credit is variable (1-3 credit hours depending on the number of hours students devote to their service activity. The course will require each student to complete a brief community assessment and select an organization or area that interests them. Students will then propose a project and meet with the appropriate representatives to…
The Community Design Center Workshop
ARC 500-2 Community Design Center Workshop. (CDC)Advisor: Pamela Heintz, Center for Public and Community Service (CPCS)Leadership Intern: Joseph Ho (CDC), Brian Howells (CPCS)3 Credit Hours SCHEDULE: Monday – 6:00 – 9:00pmLOCATION: Room 302, Slocum Hall workshop/studio or otherwise as notedOFFICE HOURS: Office 417A Wednesday and Friday, 10:00am – 12:00am(Additional hours by appointment) The Community Design Center will operate out of room 302 in Slocum Hall. The room is outfitted with eight drawing tables, a conference table, files for research, slide projectors for presentations and a computer for word processing. The room is to be used specifically for projects undertaken within…
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