Field Methods in Ethnomusicology: Music and Islam in West Philadelphia
Music 650-250 Field Methods in Ethnomusicology: Music and Islam in West Philadelphia This is a syllabus in modification through the course of the semester as we creatively respond to the requirements of our community partners – this kind of flexibility is supported by web technology, rather than paper, because updating is pretty easy. So the syllabus is different from the start of the semester. What you see is literally reflective of where this project is now on March 21, 2008! Blackboard is an indispensable tool in this class. To access use the following url: To login you need your…
Opera Workshop
Opera Workshop INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Pearl Yeadon Emy OFFICE: Ellis 218 SMSU: 836-5881 Cell: (417) 496-6460 Email: COURSE DESCRIPTION Opera Workshop (MUS 193, 293, 393, 493) is designed as a training medium for young singers. The fundamentals of stage technique, movement, directing, and acting for the singer are emphasized, as well as basic technical training in set design, costumes, makeup and props. Opera solos, ensembles, scenes, one-acts and full length productions are prepared and performed on campus. The SMSU student is introduced to varying historical periods of opera, as well as different styles from verismo to modern atonal music. All…
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