Kinesthetic Learning Course: Experiental Methods & Practices
Catalog Description: Examination, application, and analysis of the methods and benefits of the kinesthetic teaching style; including educational theory, purpose, and practice. Students will conduct research projects that involve designing, developing, and implementing psychomotor, cognitive, and affective skill building lesson plans using kinesthetic methods. Attending a live dance performance is required. Offered annually. Course Overview: This is a research course with a service learning component. The class format includes lecture and discussion, reading the text and recommended handouts, viewing videos, studio work, and practical experiences at the college and in community settings in the form of service learning projects. Learning…
Creative Movement and Rhythms
“No one if perfectly healthy, Imagination frees us, Creation renews us, Creativity Heals Us.” – Author Unknown Course Notice: This course meets the requirements of a Tier II Course in the Artistic Expression and Critical Appreciation Context. This course has been enhanced to include a service learning component. WC students will gain a greater understanding of the elements of creative movement by serving as movement teachers and facilitators for residents and program participants at various community sites. Course Description: An introduction to the elements of creative movement through lecture, reading, activity experiences, experimentation, observation, and discussion. Students will explore movement forms as more…
Teaching Movement in the Schools
Institution: University of Montana Discipline: Dance / Education / Physical Education Title: Teaching Movement in the Schools Instructor: Karen Kaufmann Model: Discipline-based Rating: 5 out of 5 DA 427 Teaching Movement in the Schools Course Requirements Class Attendance Attendance is extremely important. More than two absences will lower your grade. If you miss a class, it’s your responsibility to get the material you missed from someone else in the class. Lesson Plans (15%) Write 3 original “practice” lesson plans (specify age levels) “Space” due: September 18 “Time” due: October 1 “Energy” due: October 10 (peer assessment) Mid term Exam (20%)…
Service Learning: Modern Dance
Service-Learning: Modern Dance is a course designed specifically to offer the Modern Dance Major a practical experience in community service. The class, which meets once a week for 90 minutes, is an elective open to sophomores, juniors, or seniors (as to second year graduate students) in Modern. Course credit is variable (1-3 credit hours depending on the number of hours students devote to their service activity. The course will require each student to complete a brief community assessment and select an organization or area that interests them. Students will then propose a project and meet with the appropriate representatives to…
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