Campus Compact Blog
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Chancellor James B. Dworkin Assumes Chair of Campus Compact National Board
Earlier this week, James B. Dworkin, Ph.D., chancellor of Purdue University North Central, was elected new chairman of the board of Campus Compact, a nonprofit coalition of more than 1,100 college and university presidents —representing some 6 million students—who are committed to fulfilling the civic purposes of higher education. He assumes his post from outgoing chair John J. DeGioia, Ph.D., president of Georgetown University.
Boston, MA — Dr. James B. Dworkin, chancellor of Purdue University North Central has been named chairman of the board of Campus Compact, the nonprofit coalition of more than 1,100 college and university presidents — representing some 6 million students — who are committed to fulfilling the civic purposes of higher education. Dr. Dworkin assumes his post from outgoing chair John J. DeGioia, president of Georgetown University.
“The most effective organizational leaders are those whose own commitment is unassailable, who have a gift for energizing action, and who are skilled at helping groups reach consensus around important decisions. Jim Dworkin is just such a man,” says Dr. DeGioia. “I could not be more confident in turning over the chairmanship of Campus Compact to his most capable hands. It has been my honor to serve, but it is also an honor for us, now, to have Jim as our leader.”
The Campus Compact board is primarily made up of a distinguished group of college and university presidents from across the country representing all segments of higher education as well as representatives from the philanthropic and business communities.The Board guides the organization in its mission of deepening higher education’s ability to improve community life and educate students for civic and social responsibility.
Compact President Maureen Curley notes, “Each of us has at least one ‘go to’ person we count on to help us better understand the changing landscape that is higher education.As a board member, Jim has always brought his own brand of enthusiasm as well as a thoughtful presence to our discussions. Personally, he has helped me think strategically about how to position Campus Compact for a vibrant future.As our incoming board chair, I know he will be a wonderful leader and I look forward to his tenure.”
Dr. Dworkin came to the Purdue University North Central in January 2000. Previously, he served as associate dean of the School of Management and the Krannert Graduate School of Management on the West Lafayette Campus. Chancellor Dworkin has been with Purdue since 1976.
Dr.Dworkin received his B.A. in Economics (with high honors), an M.A. in Industrial Relations from the University of Cincinnati, and his Ph.D. in Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota. He has published over 50 articles and two books in the field of industrial and labor relations. One of his books, Owners versus Players: Baseball and Collective Bargaining, was chosen one of the ten best books in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics in 1981.
He was elected to the national Campus Compact Board of Directors in 2008 and has been a member of the Indiana Campus Compact Presidents and Chancellors Board since 2000.
In addition to his work with Campus Compact, Dr. Dworkin serves on the boards of Indiana Campus Compact, Horizon Bank, the Barker Civic Center Commission, the United Way of Porter County, the Lubeznik Center for the Arts, the Quality of Life Council of Northwest Indiana, and Indiana University Health La Porte Hospital. He is a member of the Indiana Society of Chicago, the Union League Club of Chicago, and the Rotary Club of Valparaiso.
About Campus Compact
Campus Compact is a nonprofit coalition of more than 1,100 college and university presidents— representing some 6 million students—who are committed to fulfilling the civic purposes of higher education. As the only national association dedicated to this mission, Campus Compact is a leader in building community engagement into campus and academic life. For more information, visit http: //www . compact. org/
To arrange an interview with Dr. Dworkin, please contact Sue Kelman, Director of Communications, Campus Compact: or 617.357.1881, x 207