BotB: What We Don't Talk About When We Don't Talk About Service
Title: What We Don’t Talk About When We Don’t Talk About Service
Authors: Adam Davis
Target Audience: Students, Faculty, Citizens
Date: 2006
Succinct Summary: In order to claim that Service Is Good (SIG), we must discuss why we do service, (for altruistic, selfish, or faith-based reasons), and for whom the service is good, (the serving, the served, or all of the above), which leads us to the conclusion that Service Is Not Simple (SINS). All of these complexities go unnoticed and unsorted if they are not discussed. And just as we must ask why we do service, we must as why it is hard to discuss.
Reviewer quotes:
“Adam Davis is the Director of Project on Civic Reflection. He also directs Justice Talking, a social justice seminar series for AmeriCorps members, as well as the Camp of Dreams, a non-profit organization that provides programs for Chicago young people. With Elizabeth M. Lynn, he co-edited The Civically Engaged Reader (Great Books Foundation, 2006), from which this essay is taken. Davis begins the essay by commenting on the recent “vogue for service” that is sweeping the nation, but notes that we seem reluctant to reflect on that service. “It seems to be so clear that Service is Good (SIG) that we do not need to question service or to talk about it; we only need to do it.” Davis goes on to question the assumption that service is good, as well as the assumption that we need not reflect on it, asking why we serve, whether service is always good, and why we are so reluctant to talk about it. Davis’s piece also brings up questions about motives and values in relation to service and how these impact why we serve.”
– Center for Civic Reflection -
“The points [in his article] catapulted a series of thoughts that included experiences, people, and events that would prove Davis’ said points, which include (Davis & Lynn, 2006): 1) Service; in which Davis discusses the various reasons why people want to serve, 2) Goodness; Davis is asking what’s good and for whom the service is good for, and 3) What We Do; What We Do Not Discuss; in this section of the article Davis points out that we do and don’t speak about because it’s either boring or maybe because it’s socially inappropriate, but it leads into 4) Inequality and service; what Davis writes in the section before is a prelude to this section because people don’t want to publicly acknowledge that there are inequalities that we don’t speak of when we’re discussing public service.”
– Community Impact, Ryan Fitzpatrick’s Portfolio -
Davis builds on the existing foundation of service programs around the country by challenging these programs to go beyond just doing good by asking why we are doing service and why the service needs to be done. Davis suggests discussing service is hard because it makes us uncomfortable. We must question our actions in front of others and discuss our own power and privilege that we do not want to sacrifice for others, regardless of how needy they may be. And discovering those less-appealing parts of our desires is an unpalatable, and to a certain degree, scary, experience. But it is out of discomfort that we grow, learn, and create change. Discussing discussions of service may be a first step to creating that discomfort, and therefore, growth. Davis’ piece has the simple and applicable examples and relaxed tone that allows it to be used with students to incite growth. In addition, this piece can be used by faculty to inspire teachers and leaders to make sure Service Is Good and that discussion ensures the absorption of those values and lessons.
– Elizabeth Rosenberg, Building a Better World
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