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Have You Heard From Johannesburg?: Apartheid and the Club of the West.
shows how a nation-wide campaign of civil disobedience, campus protest and finally legislative action, spearheaded by African American leaders spawned by the Civil Rights Movement, reversed American foreign policy toward South Africa in the face of the most right wing administration in our history.
Marshall graduates AmeriCorps*VISTA program
Kentucky Campus Compact is pleased to announce the graduation of its first members from its AmeriCorps*VISTA Program, Crystal Marshall of Maysville, and Shirley Massie of Paducah. Both women have successfully completed a one-year, full-time term of national service as Volunteers in Service to America.
Alice’s Adventures in Tenureland
Poor Alice. She’s pulled in different directions and doesn’t know what will get her to Tenureland. As described by Cathy Trower, director and research associate at the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, fictional Alice’s predicament mirrors that of many professors who embrace interdisciplinary research but find trouble parlaying that into career advancement… …In her ideal institution, more interdisciplinary positions would be created, and the junior faculty who fill them would have mentors in different departments. Professors would be encouraged to take on their desired research topics early in their careers, instead…
Student Philanthropists Get Real Cash
Maureen Merrigan and her classmates in the School of Management course Nonprofit Management have a problem. They need to give away thousands of dollars. And it’s a whole different story, Merrigan says, when the money is real and so are the needs… …The philanthropic initiative, called Students4Giving, is a joint effort of Campus Compact, a national coalition of college and university presidents dedicated to civic and community engagement on campus, and the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, the charitable arm of Fidelity Investments and the country’s fourth-largest public charity…
Campus Compact Launches 2008 Campus Vote Initiative
A new website from the nation’s leader in promoting civic engagement among colleges and universities offers a host of tools, activities, and vital information for getting students involved in the election process.
WMU program offers scholarships to former foster kids
Kalamazoo — Western Michigan University is launching a new program this fall that will provide full tuition, year-round housing and academic support to undergraduate students coming out of the foster-care system… …The Foster Youth and Higher Education Initiative is being launched with the Michigan Campus Compact and the Michigan Department of Human Services, according to a WMU news release
Earn, Learn, and Serve: Getting the Most from Community Service Federal Work-Study
Campus Compact has compiled this comprehensive guide to help member campuses meet or exceed the mandate that 7% of Federal Work-Study funds be used to support community-based work.
Fidelity program encourages good will
In an effort to nurture a future generation of philanthropists, the charitable arm of Fidelity Investments is giving five colleges — including Boston University, the only school selected in Massachusetts — each a $15,000 fund students will decide how to distribute as grants. …The program is also sponsored by Campus Compact, a coalition of more than 1,100 colleges and universities working to build civic engagement into academic life. » More media coverage for Students4Giving
Fidelity® Charitable Gift Funds and Campus Compact Choose Five U.S. Universities and Colleges for Charitable Giving Program
First-of-its-Kind Donor Advised Fund Program To Educate the Next Generation of Philanthropists
Rock the Vote
A comprehensive voting website — includes registration information, models of political and social activism, and links to election news.
ServiceVote is Youth Service America’s campaign to engage young people in the political process, beginning with voting
Massachusetts Campus Compact Recognized for Programs That Teach Students the Value of Civic Engagement
Boston – The Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts (AICUM) honored Massachusetts Campus Compact at AICUM’s third annual gala on Monday, December 3th, attended by 400 guests, including college presidents, administrators and business leaders. Based in Medford at Tufts University, Massachusetts Campus Compact is part of a nationwide coalition of more than 1,100 public and private colleges and universities, including 73 member campuses in Massachusetts. National Campus Compact represents 6 million student volunteers across the country committed to service and civic engagement. The event also honored Massachusetts Congressman John F. Tierney, who received a lifetime achievement award for…
ECU Student Wins Award
Her major is Elementary Education, but East Carolina University Senior Erica Miller can teach people of any age about making a difference in their community. Miller received the the second annual North Carolina Campus Compact Community Impact Student Award. This award recognizes students who have made significant, innovative contributions to campus-based efforts to address community needs.
Millennials, Unspun
…the report, from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), which studies civic engagement among young people, suggests that students are tired of partisanship and “spin,” are wary of the political process in general and tend to distrust the overwhelming array of media sources that vie for their attention… If the representation of students raises some questions, so does the representation of the population at large: “Are these attitudes any different from those of the general public?” asked Maureen F. Curley, the president of Campus Compact, at a panel on Wednesday announcing the report’s release….
Class sends students out to streets
San Francisco Caroline Archibald grew up in the relatively safe, comfortable confines of San Mateo. So she was a bit anxious about one key requirement of a sociology class she’s taking at Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont. The class requires students to spend time in the heart of the tough, gritty Tenderloin neighborhood in San Francisco. “I was very hesitant,” she said. “You hear people getting shot.” But Archibald quickly got over her worries… …A good indication of the growth in service learning comes from Campus Compact, a national coalition of college and university presidents committed to civic…
New Resource from Campus Compact Takes the Mystery Out of Community Service Federal Work-Study
Online publication offers insight, models, and best practices to help campuses meet or exceed federal regulations guiding use of Federal Work-Study funding for community service.
How Higher Education Is Integrating Diversity and Service Learning: Findings from Four Case Studies
With the generous support of the James Irvine Foundation, California Campus Compact conducted a research study (conducted by Dr. Lori Vogelgesang) exploring how independent colleges and universities were integrating service learning and diversity and identified some “best practices.”
Civic engagement
The barrier between town and gown can be a high one. The lucky cities have universities that engage them and city leaders who return the favor. Florida Campus Compact is a group that seeks to encourage those positive relationships by linking rigorous academic programs with meaningful civic activities.
University promotes service learning
Tuscaloosa — Service learning is an educator’s term for doing something meaningful through classwork. It’s a buzzword, but not an empty one. Hoping to spur more service learning in the state, the University of Alabama invited representatives from 22 campuses to share and learn about the topic… …More colleges are adding service-learning curriculum, said Maria Monterio, spokeswoman for a Campus Compact, a nonprofit that disseminates best practices for service learning among colleges and provides some seed money to help professors start classes. “It’s a movement that’s growing rapidly, and it’s very broad,” she said.