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Service Learning in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
Stevens, C. A. (2008). Service learning for health, physical education and recreation: A step-by-step guide. Leeds: Human Kinetics. This unique workbook puts students in control by providing step-by-step guidance through the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating a service-learning project. Service Learning for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation: A Step-by-Step Guide directs university and high school students through an easy-to-follow five-step process for completing service-learning projects. Consistent with principles from organizational development, this process begins with choosing a project and building a team and progesses to development, execution, and assessment—teaching students best practices they can replicate in subsequent projects.
North Carolina Campus Compact to provide $80,000 in mini-grants
North Carolina Campus Compact provides grant funds to institutions nation-wide.
Student Vote
An initiative of the student PIRGS (public interest research groups), is a voter registration site that allows visitors to get voter registration forms by email. The site also includes a widget that campuses can customize for their own websites so students can register through their own school’s site.
Volunteering in America
This website, from the federal Corporation for National and Community Service, offers the most comprehensive research on U.S. volunteering ever assembled. Research findings on the site include volunteer rates, economic impact, and information on “voluntourism” (long-distance volunteering), with breakdowns by state, region, and major city as well as national data. The site also includes links to volunteer opportunities, tools for volunteer recruitment and retention, and other recent government studies of volunteerism among college students and others.
National Organizations Selected to Lead 2009 King Day of Service
Organizers Plan to Make 2009 Service Day the Largest Ever
Dr. Margaret Stevens of Northern Kentucky University Named Executive Director of Indiana Campus Compact
Dr. Margaret Stevens, Director of Service-Learning Programs at Northern Kentucky University (NKU), Highland Heights, KY, has been selected as the new Executive Director of Indiana Campus Compact (ICC). “We are pleased to find a new executive director for ICC who has such an appropriate background to lead this statewide organization devoted to service-learning and civic engagement,” said ICC Chair Dr. Carol Ann Mooney, President of Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, IN. “She is an excellent choice, selected from a strong pool of candidates.” ICC is a network of 44 Indiana colleges and universities working with students, faculty, and staff…
Campus Compact Honors Five Students for Innovative Programs to Serve Local, Global Communities
Students from Bowdoin College, Cornell University, Northeastern University, River Parishes Community College, and the University of Minnesota have won Campus Compact’s coveted Howard R. Swearer Student Humanitarian Award for creating new approaches to address social issues.
Campus Compact Honors UC Davis Physician for Innovative Partnerships to Promote Community Health
Dr. Richard Pan of the University of California-Davis will receive the prestigious Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for Service-Learning for his work to improve community health through community-based physician education. Eight award finalists have also been named.
Campus Compact Honors Centre College, Mount Union College Students for Outstanding Civic Leadership
Scott Meltzer of Centre College and Heather Stump of Mount Union College have been selected as recipients of Campus Compact’s 2008 Frank Newman Leadership Award for dedication to service and civic engagement.
Campus Compact Elects Three New Board Members to Lead Civic Engagement Efforts
Leaders from the higher education and business sectors will help guide 1,100-member coalition of college and university presidents dedicated to civic engagement.
Rigorous Longitudinal Study of AmeriCorps Finds Significant Impacts Eight Years Later
Alums Outpace Controlled Comparison Group in Public Service Careers, Civic Engagement, Community Activism, and Life Fulfillment
Campus Compact Member Students Contribute $7 Billion in Service to Communities
Student commitment and strong campus support systems pave the way for college students to provide billions of dollars in service to at-risk youth, the homeless, the sick, the elderly, and others in need, according to Campus CompactÃs latest member survey.
College Students Recognized for Leadership in Community Service
Ohio Campus Compact, a non-profit membership organization of 49 Ohio colleges and universities with strong community service, service-learning, and/or civic engagement programs on their campuses, has received special grant funding from Fifth Third Bank and State Farm Insurance. Each company is providing four legacy grants of $500 for outstanding college student service leaders to award to their community partners through the Charles J. Ping Student Service Award. The following individuals will be competing for this grant money for 2007-08: Awardees College/University Becky Cameron Baldwin Wallace Chelsea Scholl Bowling Green State University *Legacy Grant-State Farm Elianna Bootzin Case Western Reserve David…
Leech Lake students build home for elders through service learning program
Leech Lake Reservation — About a dozen students have been working for months on a modest, two-bedroom house that sits on blocks at the edge of the Leech Lake Tribal College campus. The students started construction last fall, and now they’re nearing the end, putting on siding and installing doors and woodwork inside. What’s special about the project is these students are building the house for their elders. By June, the house will be trucked north to the neighboring Red Lake Indian Reservation, where there’s a severe housing shortage… …Creating that team concept is one of the goals of the…
UNE students Man Ho and Danielle Demers selected as recipients of Heart and Soul Awards
Ho, a medical biology major, through his work with the International Club, has put considerable effort into promoting diversity and acceptance of all students within the UNE campus community. Thanks to his efforts, the percentage of international and minority students at UNE has more than doubled.
Campus Compact to be Launched at Gulf-South Summit
Tennessee Campus Compact will be launched at the upcoming Gulf-South Summit, which will be held March 13-15 at Belmont University. This public beginning actually culminates more than a year’s worth of planning on the part of colleges and universities across the state, headed by Tennessee State University President Melvin Johnson and coordinated by Tennessee Academic Civic Engagement Program director, Mani Hull. Nationally, Campus Compact is a coalition of more than 1,100 college and university presidents — representing some 5 million students — who are committed to promoting community service, civic engagement and service-learning in the context of higher education. As…
California Campus Compact launches new initiative to increase leaders of color focused on community engagement in higher education
San Francisco, CA — California Campus Compact (CACC) has selected ten professionals for the inaugural class of the Bridge-Building Leadership Initiative (BBLI). This year-long comprehensive program will bring together emerging and seasoned leaders of color who integrate service-learning agendas with the interests of stakeholders in diverse communities. With funding from the National Service-Learning Partnership, the National Youth Leadership Council, Learn and Serve America, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, CACC will train and support participants to guide the expansion of the service-learning field. As a part of this Initiative, participants will engage in leadership theory and application, public service and best…
Rhode Island and Massachusetts Campus Compacts Announce Faculty Fellowship for Youth
Rhode Island Campus Compact and Massachusetts Campus Compact have announced the 2007-2009 Learn and Serve America Faculty Fellowship for Youth Grantees – seven faculty members from Massachusetts and Rhode Island who have been selected to participate in a fellowship that will support their development and growth as leaders and campus organizers around issues of youth development. Along with financial support, the fellowship includes professional development training and opportunities to present work to peers at surrounding colleges and universities. The awardees are Lawrence Bailis of Brandeis University, Joseph Cammarano from the Department of Political Science at Providence College, Todd Crosset from…
What’s Race Got To Do With It?
Campuses still struggle to attain diversity, create equity, close achievement gaps, and enhance student success for everyone. California Newsreel has produced this new tool to support your diversity goals.