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Connecting Families, Past and Present
Goals: This course will explore “the family” in relation to cultural identities and political policies in the United States and around the world, combined with a unique opportunity to reach out to and interact with diverse families nearby. With topics including the “Holy Family” to “Father Knows Best,” from Freud’s “Oedipal Complex” to current debates on “Family Values,” from children with AIDS to international adoption, students will analyze changing family socio-economic and psychological structures and the evolving representations of motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in the past and particularly in the present. We will compare public and private efforts to aid…
Charles Strain
former Ehrlich Award finalist, administrative leader, understands moral development theory, supports “lattice” of opportunities for students (formerly a “ladder”) with asset-focused approach
Richard Harris of James Madison University Garners Campus Compact’s First National Award for Community Engagement
JMU’s Community Service-Learning Director is honored for his years of service in building strong campus-community partnerships and helping to make James Madison University a national model of campus engagement.
2008 Presidential race raised student political involvement
The 2008 presidential election helped catapult today’s college freshmen to a level of political involvement not seen in decades, a survey released today suggests. A record 35.6% of first-year students said they frequently discussed politics in the past year; the previous high was 33.6% in 1968. The annual survey began in 1966.
16,000 College Students to Volunteer Nationwide on MLK Day of Service 2009
Over 16,000 college students from 130 campuses in 28 states, plus the District of Columbia, are expected to engage in volunteer service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. These projects, which include everything from neighborhood clean-ups to preparing and serving meals to hospice patients, will take place on or during the week of the federal King Holiday, January 19. Each of the 130 campuses received a grant to support their projects from North Carolina Campus Compact, one of 7 lead agencies to receive funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service to mobilize volunteers for the King…
Iowa Campus Compact Vista at Loras College Creates Lasting Partnership with the City of Dubuque
Madeline Cairney, Iowa Campus Compact AmeriCorps*VISTA working at Loras College, recently applied for and was awarded computers from the City of Dubuque. The City of Dubuque will provide the Multicultural Family Center with 20 to 30 computers in 2009, with the possibility to apply again in future years. The partnership between the City of Dubuque and the Multicultural Center started years ago, but has expanded since Madeline began serving this summer as a VISTA member at Loras College and the Multicultural Center, a project of the ISU Extension. As a VISTA, her job is to see what the community needs,…
New Times Demand New Scholarship II: Research Universities and Civic Engagement—Opportunities and Challenges
This report focuses on opportunities and challenges in four areas critical to expanding and institutionalizing civic engagement within research universities: engaged scholarship (i.e., scholarship aimed at critical societal issues); scholarship focused on civic and communtiy engagement; educating students for engagement; and advancing civic engagement within and across research universities.
Voter Turnout among Youths Hits High Mark; Campus Efforts Play a Role
Turnout among 18- to 29-year-olds reflects a new spirit of engagement among younger voters. College-based voter registration and education efforts, including Campus Compact’s nonpartisan 2008 Campus Vote Initiative, played a major role in raising awareness of the importance of civic participation among these voters, as well as others, nationwide.
Campus Compact National Office Spreads Its Wings
With a move to Boston, a new online bookstore, and new systems and resources in development, Campus Compact is poised to serve its 1,100+ college and university members more effectively than ever.
Community-Based Legal Research
Welcome to this year’s service-learning course at the law school. I am excited to provide this unique opportunity for you to apply your legal education through research projects carried out in connection with the active involvement of community partners. Experiential education is a superior form of learning because it is based on doing something in a real-world context. As the founding director of the Jacobsen Center for Service and Learning, I came to appreciate the value of service-learning as a pedagogical tool. I am pleased you are interested in taking advantage of this learning opportunity. We have had other successful…
Adolescent Psychology
Adolescence is a transitional period in the human life span, linking childhood and adulthood. Understanding the meaning of adolescence is important because adolescents are the future of any society. Course Description This course examines salient issues concerning adolescent development. The focus will be on adolescent development as influenced by diverse contexts. Particular attention will be given to the challenges and strengths associated with adolescent development in New Orleans and other urban cities. The course format includes lectures and discussion. Each class meeting I will lecture on specific topic to be covered. Each student is expected to be ready to discuss…
Effective Oral Communications
Course Description: In today’s society, it is necessary for educated people to be able to present and discuss information with individuals and groups of people. According to a survey conducted in 2006 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, communication skills, both written and verbal, ranked as the most important personal quality that employers seek in an employee. The ability to logically and clearly present one?s ideas is integral to success in almost any area of life. Effective Oral Communication is a course designed to round out the triad of Critical Thinking and Effective Writing. The purpose of the…
Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Environments
I. COURSE IDENTIFICATION This course examines various components involved in developing high quality programs for children ages birth to eight. Students learn about the physical space children inhabit and how the child interacts with the space. The course involves a study of appropriate methods required to create an educational environment that is nurturing, stimulating, and welcoming for all children to explore. Discussions around developmentally appropriate practice ensure that students understand the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language needs of young learners. Students gain an understanding of these needs through a study of major learning and childhood development theories. Learning is…
Administration of Early Childhood Programs and Family/Community Relations
I. COURSE IDENTIFICATION This course explores collaboration with parents and with intra-and inter-agency teams as a basic framework to prepare students for administrative and leadership roles in the field of early childhood education, PreK-grade 3. The emphasis is on the importance of communication, teaming, and the assimilation of knowledge related to family/community partnerships; issues dealing with diversity; planning, implementing, and evaluating programs for all learners; leading and managing personnel; financing and budgeting; record keeping, and the establishment of policies and procedures in support of NAEYC Standards 2, 3, 4, and 5. PREREQUISITES: EDEC 1150 and EDUC 1115 Licensure/Accreditation Statement: This…
Crime and Justice in America: The Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program
Mission The Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program is an opportunity for a small group of students from Cabrini College and residents of the Montgomery County Correctional Facility to come together as a class to study the American criminal justice system. We will share common readings and discuss our ideas and perceptions about issues of crime and justice, the criminal justice system, corrections and imprisonment. Through dialogue we will bring together our theoretical knowledge and our lived, practical experience to gain a deeper understanding of the criminal justice system. Objectives To create an environment that will facilitate the honest exchange of ideas…
Biology in Engineering
Course designations: This is a service-learning course, and a communication intensive course Course description: Effect of variability and constraints of biological systems on engineering problem solving and design; engineering units; engineering report writing; oral report presentation; laboratory demonstration of biological engineering analysis. Objectives: After completing this course, you should be able to: Define and discuss engineering and biological engineering. Have a better appreciation of yourself and your learning process, including why you picked this major. Understand in some depth the area of biological engineering in which you want to study Communicate effectively with your community partner(s) and your peers, and…
Business Administration Department Senior Reflective Tutorial
Overview: This course allows students to complete a 100 hours field-based, real world experience, prompting them to reflect on their practical training within their concentration of Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Management or International Business. Issues pertaining to all aspects of professional development are discussed in the weekly RFT sessions, with particular emphasis on the challenges of transition from student to civic-minded professional. Senior Learning Community: As the ultimate goal of the Senior Program, all Business seniors merge the breadth of a liberal education with the depth of specialized knowledge into a real-world applied practice. As such, the Senior Learning Community in…
Field Methods in Ethnomusicology: Music and Islam in West Philadelphia
Music 650-250 Field Methods in Ethnomusicology: Music and Islam in West Philadelphia This is a syllabus in modification through the course of the semester as we creatively respond to the requirements of our community partners – this kind of flexibility is supported by web technology, rather than paper, because updating is pretty easy. So the syllabus is different from the start of the semester. What you see is literally reflective of where this project is now on March 21, 2008! Blackboard is an indispensable tool in this class. To access use the following url: To login you need your…
Colonial America
HIST 367 ? Colonial America A Designated Civic Learning/Mentoring Course Course Description and Objectives: Hist 367 is an undergraduate, upper level history course that examines the evolution of American colonies from initial European exploration to mature provincial societies. Emphasis is placed on the interactions between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans (and their descendants), and on the development of distinctive regions. This course will enhance your historical knowledge, teach you to locate and analyze primary materials, dissect secondary sources, evaluate complex issues, express yourself clearly and convincingly, and present your research in a scholarly fashion. Students enrolled in Hist 367 have…
Animal Cognition & Consciousness
PHIL/COGS/BIOL 314 PHIL 414 Animal Cognition & Consciousness with laboratory component Required Readings: Rader & Radner, Animal Consciousness Dennett, Kinds of Minds Allen & Bekoff, Species of Mind Bekoff, The Cognitive Animal Altmann 1974 Observational study of behavior Many articles and excerpts posted on the Blackboard site. Be sure you can access Blackboard! Course Description: This course examines the notions of intelligence, cognition, reasoning, consciousness, and mental content as they appear in the philosophical views and empirical studies of animals in individual and social contexts. Cognitive ethology strives to scientifically measure the extent and limits of the mental lives of animals. We will…