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FSU student earns statewide honor for Haiti efforts
Sophia Khawly could have spent last weekend celebrating. After all, the Florida State University junior had just received a statewide honor, a 2009 Excellence in Service Award. But Khawly was much more focused on seeing family members who had been in Haiti during the earthquake… “Both of my parents were born in Haiti,” Khawly said, “so I have a lot of family that lives there.” Florida Campus Compact last week recognized Khawly and two other Florida students as 2009 Excellence in Service Award winners. »Read the full article in the Tallahassee Democrat.
A Core Curriculum for Civic Literacy
The past few years have seen an outpouring of books and reports deploring Americans’ civic ignorance….This is a problem that everyone seems to complain about but no one tries to solve through any coordinated, nationwide effort. National organizations have recently been formed, including the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s Political Engagement Project, and Campus Compact…. »Full article is available with a subscription to The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Wesleyan student receives community impact award
N.C. Wesleyan College senior Meghan Herd was recently honored as a recipient of the Community Impact Student Award presented at a conference of the N.C. Campus Compact at Western Carolina University.…Wesleyan joined the N.C. Campus Compact group last summer as part of its effort to increase campus-wide participation in local community service activities. Campus Compact is a statewide coalition of higher education presidents and chancellors that encourages and supports campus engagement in the community. »Read the entire article in the Rocky Mountain Telegram.
Vermont Campus Compact among TD Bank awardees
TD Bank, through the TD Charitable Foundation, recently donated a more than $25,600 to statewide organizations in Vermont as part of the bank’s commitment to giving back to the communities it serves (including).… Vermont Campus Compact, which is a statewide consortium of college and university presidents and their partners committed to the civic mission of higher education.… »Read the entire article in the Burlington Free Press.
MLK Day of Service Turns Into Largest Ever at Mars Hill College
A total of 62 students, faculty and staff turned out for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service at Mars Hill College Saturday, making it one of the largest voluntary service events at the college in recent memory. According to Dallas Thompson, Mars Hill’s North Carolina Campus Compact AmeriCorps*VISTA Worker… »Read the full article in The Mountain Xpress.
Adapted Physical Education
HPER P398 Adapted Physical Education Course Introduction Welcome to your service learning experience focusing on the community of disability and physical activity. The purpose of this class is three-fold: (1) to understand the legal requirements as designated by Public Law 108-446, (2) to understand the unique characteristics of disability and how it can affect teaching, and (3) to learn as you participate in your service learning experience, the unique attributes of families and individuals with disabilities as it pertains to their challenges, their development, and their daily life. The course philosophy is, “We must become the change we want to…
Kansas Day service projects set
Service activities will mark Kansas Day for students at seven colleges in the state, the Kansas Campus Compact has announced. The projects are part of KsCC’s “Commemorate Kansas/Serve Kansas” program. “These creative projects are an indication that students and faculty at Kansas colleges and universities are aware of the importance of connecting their education with civic purpose that serves all of Kansas’ citizens,” Matthew Lindsey, KsCC executive director, said. »Read the entire article in The Topeka Capital-Journal.
UCO sweeps awards for civic responsibility
University of Central Oklahoma students swept all three awards in the Oklahoma Campus Compact’s statewide Civic Responsibility Contest.…“The students’ work highlights a critical component of our democracy,” said Gina Wekke, assistant vice chancellor of Academic Affairs for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and executive director of Oklahoma Campus Compact. »Read the entire article in NewsOK.
CSCC And Lee’s Americorps VISTAS Team Up To Help Community
AmeriCorps VISTAS from both Cleveland State Community College and Lee University have teamed up to help Bradley County and other surrounding communities…. William Lamb, director of Field Experiences at Lee University, said, “Lee University is privileged to have the support and partnership of Tennessee Campus Compact and AmeriCorps VISTA which provides VISTA officers to serve alongside our existing service-learning initiatives. »Read the full article in The Chattanoogan.
Colorado Campus Compact receives grant
Colorado Campus Compact at Regis University is one of 13 organizations around the nation to receive a grant to recruit college students to serve as poll workers during the 2009 and 2010 elections. CCC received $74,611 from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. »More from the Denver Post.
Interpersonal Communication
University Mission John Carroll is a Catholic and Jesuit University dedicated to developing women and men with the knowledge and character to lead and serve. Course Goals Our incredibly diverse society has changed the expectations for interpersonal competence. Continuing demographic changes in the United States are forcing us to recognize the we must become not only more culturally sensitive but also more culturally competent in our communication. In addition, increasing globalization requires that we be able to interact completely with people of different cultural backgrounds. The purpose of the course is to develop an understanding of some of the major…
Hispanic Cultural Studies
Course Description This class is a survey of pre-Columbian civilization and the impact of the Encounter with Europe, modern-socio-historical, cultural and political events which shape present-day Latin America. This semester the course will focus on cultural resistance to colonization and other forms of social injustice in Latin America. Participants will study a diversity of textual forms generated to resist oppression (poetry, songs, murals, films, tapestries). Topics for class discussion are the ownership of culture by the marginalized, cultural products as tools for empowerment; the way diverse socio-political contexts trigger different cultural responses, and political participation and involvement in human rights…
Human Rights/Human Wrongs
Course Description: This course is a senior seminar on human rights. Students will be introduced to the theory and practice of human rights through the examination of human rights documents, key theoretical readings in the field and special guest lectures by human rights activists. A major component of this course will involve community-based learning (CBL). Students, with the help of our community partner, PIRC (Pennsylvania Immigrant Resource Center), will be required to work on a real asylum, Withholding of Removal, or Convention Against Torture (CAT) case. Students will work in teams of two. In the first week of the semester,…
Black Women’s Health in the Age of Hip Hop & HIV/AIDS
Overview This course will serve as the inaugural course offering under the newly established capstone service-learning course designation ADST 483. We will explore interchanges among critical race theory, black feminist thought, and black women’s health, with emphasis on the role that the HIV/AIDS crisis has played in networking these discourses at the site of hip hop-inflected literary, artistic, and musical representations of black women’s bodies. Required readings for the course will include Quinn Gentry’s Black Women’s Risk for HIV: Rough Living (2007); Tricia Rose’s Longing to Tell: Black Women Talk about Sexuality & Intimacy (2004); Dorie Gilbert and Ednita Wright’s…
Disability and community participation: Policy, systems, change and action research
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the intersect of disability policy, activism, and action research, and is grounded within a collaborative learning framework with disability communities. Our emphasis is placed on immersing into a critical examination of the policies, systems and practices utilized by people with disabilities to support community living and participation choice and control, as well as activism and social action initiatives to build collective power and critical consciousness. A specific focus is placed on designing, conducting and evaluating action research projects in collaboration with community organizations, activists, policy makers and constituents with disabilities from the community. Community-based…
Business Policy & Strategy
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” ~ Proverbs 29:18 “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” ~ Japanese Proverb COURSE OVERVIEW Welcome to BA4503 Business Policy & Strategy. This course serves as the capstone experience for your business degree. In this section of the syllabus, you are provided with the foundational underpinnings of the course as well as an overview of what is expected. Please take the time to read the entire syllabus, and don’t hesitate to ask questions as you have them. This course will be a great experience – challenging, but…
Business Administration 494: Honors Organizational Behavior and Leadership
Course Description and Learning Goals This HCP course substitutes for BA 304: Management and Organizational Dynamics. Although we cover many of the same topics as the undergraduate management course (BA 304), the honors section adds several important new learning goals related to leadership and leadership development. This course begins with an introduction to leadership and the management process, and then continues further to examine organizational behavior from a social science and behavioral perspective. HCPers focus on understanding and analyzing individual and group behavior in organizations, specifically related to how leaders implement strategy to impact people, policy and organizational culture. You…
HIV/AIDS and Its Biological and Social Impact
PHILOSOPHY OF GENERAL EDUCATION A complex array of forces continually transforms our world. Marygrove’s general education program engages these forces, providing opportunities to examine them from different disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Our objective is not only to disseminate information about forces that shape our world but also to intensify our critical thinking about them. At Marygrove we try to make certain that all the courses you take will help you develop skills that can be put to use in your professional and personal life. The classes are designed to assist you in: Strengthening writing, critical thinking, oral communication, and research…
Arts and Community Development
INTRODUCTION This course utilizes the principles of academic Service-Learning to introduce students to the theory and practice of the arts as a vehicle for community-cultural development. As part of the course, the students will undertake fieldwork and research in an arts-based community project through direct contact and collaboration with established community based organizations (CBOs) that have within each of their missions explicit goals of community-cultural development. The instructors have identified and established partnerships with five CBO’s in Chicago, each of which has expressed a felt-need for increased research into the work they conduct to enhance tbe impact their efforts have…
Contemporary Issues in Youth Development and Youth Policy: International and Spanish Context, A Praxis Experience in Theory, Research, Policy and Practice
Course Prerequisites: Students should have completed one or more of the following courses: Introduction to Anthropology, Political Science. Psychology, Sociology, Economics, and/or related subject matter. In addition, students should be able to read at an intermediate to advanced level in English and Spanish. Much of the subject matter will require a high level of bilingual transferability and shifting back and forth between sources, literature, and research written in both languages. Students will also be asked to access Internet and web based sites in the United States and through resources within the European Union and European Council. Youth Development and Youth…