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Seeing the Invisible: Experiential Learning in Domestic & Family Violence
Southwestern University – TX President: Jake Schrum Contact Person: Suzanna Pukys Through a grant from the Verizon Foundation, 18 Southwestern University student interns worked full-time for 10 weeks during the summers of 2008 and 2009 for agencies committed to addressing the epidemic of domestic and family violence. Our nonprofit partners included two domestic violence shelters, a forensic interview and counseling center for physically/sexually abused children, a shelter exclusively for children removed from their homes by Child Protective Services, an agency targeting families with a history of violence directly tied to substance abuse, and the victims’ assistance unit of local law…
Office for the Community Agenda: a model of campus support for community engagement
One of the clearest signs that an idea is valued on campus is that it has its own office. Just a few years ago, campuses with designated offices for community service were the exception. Today, they are the rule, with the vast majority of Campus Compact member institutions reporting that they have a centralized office for community service-learning on campus. Some of these centers focus on providing support to student service projects. Others provide support to faculty service-learning efforts. Still others focus on their relationship with the community. The Office for the Community Agenda based at the Maricopa Community Colleges…
The Junior Achievement curriculum: consultants in the classroom from the entire campus community
As an all campus project GateWay Community College faculty, administrators, and professional support staffers teamed GWCC service-learning students to deliver the Junior Achievement curriculum to all K-8 students (24 classes) at our neighboring Crockett Elementary School. This is a first for Arizona where a community college has provided a consultant for every classroom at an elementary school. This is an example of a true community partnership. In Fall 1999, outgoing President Randolph asked the college to identify a project that would involve our “”GateWay Family”” (our entire campus community). About that time, we received a call from the principal of…
The San Diego Dialogue
It started with a community that wanted to know more about itself, a roundtable discussion, and a class of sociology students, standing on the border between San Diego and Tijuana, tapping on the windows of cars to ask the drivers four questions: What is your nation of residence? Why are you crossing the border? How frequently do you cross in a month? For what purposes do you cross the border? The research that the students compiled dispelled a number of common misconceptions about border crossings here, at the most traversed transnational border in the world. Contrary to popular belief, nine…
Connecticut College Program in Community Action
I had wildly underestimated the impact that a college president had to convene and request and engage and inspire. All over our country, we in higher education could do a lot more if we used the moral juice that comes in our food basket and let others have a sip. Claire Gaudiani has good reason to speak. During her presidency at Connecticut College (1988-2001), she was at the helm of a panoply of innovative efforts that placed her in a leadership role in the local, state, and national community. Nationally, Gaudiani used her presidency to be a leading advocate for…
Partnership with other colleges and the Miami-Dade public school system for the America Reads Challenge
The College s Center for Community Involvement plays a key leadership role in the county-wide response to the Department of Education s America Reads Challenge. What makes this such a unique partnership that fosters civic responsibility and civic literacy is the following: The partnership involves the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the University of Miami, Barry University, Florida Memorial University, Florida International University and Miami-Dade Community College. This partnership of K-12 public schools along with private and public higher education institutions is unique in the country. Under the leadership of M-DCC these institutions jointly provide nearly 175 federal work study students…
The Service-Learning Cross-Curricular Emphasis and the “”2+4=Service on Common Ground”” initiative
The mission of the Liberal Arts program at University of Hawaiʻi Kapiʻolani Community College (KCC) to provide broad-based, integrated, cross-curricular general education courses for students who transfer to four-year institutions or embark on career paths, and instill a desire for life-long learning and personal development. In pursuit of this mission, KCC Provost Dr. John Morton engages in numerous campus-community partnerships and builds leadership collaborations with University of Hawai i (UH) Senior Vice-President and Community College Chancellor, Dr. Joyce Tsunoda, Dean of the UH College of Social Science, Dr. Dick Dubanoski, and UH President, Dr. Kenneth Mortimer. In addition, Dr. Morton has…
Public policy and social change
A key element of citizenship is the knowledge that work in the community is connected to larger issues of policy and social change. Students enrolled in POLS 320 Problems in State and Local Politics at Valparaiso University assist in the development of a measuring tool which they use to gather and analyze data related to particular public policy issues. The data is then utilized by public planners in Valparaiso, highlighting the connection between the students service and the future policies of their community. From Service Matters 1998: Engaging Higher Education In the Renewal of America s Communities and American…
Artist as citizen: Art and Community Service course
At the Massachusetts College of Art, a course entitled Art and Community Service emphasizes the artist s role as an active citizen by finding socially meaningful outlets for students creativity. In addition to readings and frequent journal writings, students in the class are required to develop an art-related community service project. In the past, students in the class have helped design brochures for local nonprofits, painted murals for local schools, and visited hospitals to provide art therapy for patients. From Service Matters 1998: Engaging Higher Education In the Renewal of America s Communities and American Democracy Website
The Speaking, Arguing, and Writing Program
Education for citizenship has always been a cornerstone of the Liberal Arts Education at Mount Holyoke College. We believe that institutions of Higher Learning have a particular responsibility in responding to society s major challenges, through their teachings and their own actions. The challenges of the 21st century demand that we reverse the widespread feelings of apathy, impotence, and cynicism towards public and civic life and that we build a common understanding of the pressing problems of our times and of possibilities for solving them. To that effect, Mount Holyoke College founded the Center for Leadership and Public Interest Advocacy…
Service Learning Practicum for Special Education majors
This service-learning course has been developed as a first of many practicum experiences courses for Coppin State College Special Education majors. Its purpose being to enhance these students in the areas of civic literacy, cultural diversity and social conscious. To this end, this course has been designed to meet the transition needs of children with disabilities from elementary to middle school. This project will provide: transitioning elementary school children with special education needs with 1) presentations, discussion, and assimilated activities in preparation for their transition to middle school; 2) structured visitation to the middle school settings; 3) mentorship from current…
Partnership with the Twin Cities metropolitan area
Metropolitan State University, founded in 1971 to provide alternative educational opportunities for working adults, has evolved into a comprehensive urban university serving 9,000 residents of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. In 1992, the university acquired its first campus and its first “”neighborhood”” when it occupied the facilities of an abandoned hospital in the Dayton s Bluff community on the East Side of St. Paul. In the years since, the university has worked closely with neighborhood organizations and agencies to build multi-dimensional partnerships based on mutual interests and shared values. These university-community partnerships involve faculty, staff, and students from every college…
SEBRA South-East Brainerd Residents Association: becoming part of the neighborhood
Central Lakes Community College – MN, Minnesota In order for any organization, institution, or person to be a part of solving a community s problems, that group has to know, understand, and be a part of the community. Higher education is no exception. As illustrated in the story of Central Lakes Community College in Brainerd, Minnesota, when an institution establishes genuine relationships with the members of its surrounding community, only then can it become an engaged campus. Since the day three years ago when Central Lakes first ventured into the South-East Brainerd community, the college has become an integral part…
Providing shelter for the homeless on campus
Every Saturday night last winter, students at Davidson College in North Carolina transformed an unused wrestling room on campus into a shelter for the homeless. College laundry facilities donated their services and the campus food services prepared meals for five homeless guests. Student volunteers coordinated the project and spent the evenings with their guests, talking, playing ping pong, and sharing sleeping quarters in the wrestling room. From Service Matters 1998: Engaging Higher Education In the Renewal of America s Communities and American Democracy Website:
Buckley Public Service Scholars Program
Launched in 2003, the Buckley Public Service Scholars program provides a framework for students at UNC Chapel Hill who are interested in developing their commitment and capacity to serve. The Buckley Public Service Scholars program incorporates a commitment to public service along with structured training and reflection on that service. To successfully complete the program, the student must complete and log: A BPSS orientation session 300 hours of public service One service-learning course Four approved skills trainings A senior reflection activity Minimum cumulative GPA (of 3.0 or above Buckley Public Service Scholar and 2.5-2.9 for Special Recognition in Public Service) Throughout the program,…
Student Leadership and Engagement at NC State
Student Leadership and Engagement at North Carolina State connects students to meaningful leadership development, campus involvement, and civic and community engagement opportunities. Website:
Project Dialogue
Project Dialogue is a variety of programs designed to encourage public moral discourse in the context of academic excellence. It includes four main objectives: -encourage students to reflect on their opinions and their role as citizens at Vanderbilt -to give students the opportunity to consider others’ views in a safe environment -to instill in students a broader understanding of the connections between knowing and doing and between truth and goodness -to empower students to be leaders and to reflect civic virtues Website
Teacher education program incorporates community engagement
Changes in society warrant changes in education. As the United States as a whole is affected by progress in technology, developments in the economy, or shifts in values and beliefs, schools must evolve in response if they are to prepare youth for the world in which they live. Change in education occurs on a variety of levels, and a number of colleges and universities have used their resources to touch on many of these levels: from k-12 to adult to teacher education. It is the contention of Service Matters that one of the most important changes that can occur in…
Exceeding goals: AmeriCorps program provides needed services to at-risk youth and their parents
Our local AmeriCorps program is one of the first programs to start up in the country. We have received funding to sponsor 20 to 25 AmeriCorps members for each eleven-month term. At the end of their term of service AmeriCorps members receive $4,725 towards their higher education goals. It is a win-win opportunity all the way around. Our members serve in rural mountain communities of the Colorado Rockies, covering a several hundred-mile region of the College district. Our mission for 1999 was to increase self-reliance by developing program members and by identifying and providing needed services to at-risk youth and…
The Weissman Center for Leadership
The Weissman Center for Leadership is a promising practice at Mount Holyoke College that illustrates how our campus is successfully fulfilling its civic mission. Our strategic plan, The Plan for Mount Holyoke 2003, adopted in 1997, centers the College on our mission to foster the alliance of excellent liberal arts education with purposeful engagement in the world. It spawned a number of faculty-led initiatives including our now thriving Weissman Center for Leadership. The overarching goal of the Weissman Center is to enhance students abilities to become effective agents of change. In its first few years the Center has drawn significant…