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Clinical Neuropsychology
Course Overview In this course, a study will be made of the behavioral, physiological, and psychological effects of brain damage in the human being, and the assets and limitations of the methods used to assess such damage. Explored will be cases in which the effects are permanent, as well as reversible or progressive. Topics will include the effects of stroke, tumors, biochemical changes, and other neurological disorders upon the senses, perception, learning, memory, attention, and personality. Extant theories of brain function will be discussed in light of the effects of brain damage. Students will also be required to spend 3-5…
Counseling Methods and InterviewingTechniques
COURSE DESCRIPTION “This course acquaints the student with current views of counseling principles and methods. Interviewing techniques are introduced and developed through a workshop approach.” TEXTBOOKS AND REQUIRED READINGS Required: Interviewing in Action: Process and Practice, Bianca Cody Murphy and Carolyn Dillon, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1998. Interviewing in Action Video Book/Video Learning Package available at MWCC Boolutore. You will need to purchase a blank VHS Video Cassette. Additional reading materials will be handed out in class. OBJECTIVES OF THIS COURSE 1. To understand the field of counseling and the ethical principles that guide the profession. 2. To gain an understanding…
Emotional & Behavioral Disorders of Childhood &Adolescence
Text: Developmental Psychopathology (3rd Edition) by Charles Wenar Service Learning Coordinators: Jim Penticuff & Ken Weadick Office Hours: TR 11:00a.m. – 12:00 Noon W 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. & by appointment The purpose of this course is to study the development, classification, intervention and treatment of classic childhood behavioral and emotional disorders. Although the title of this course is Behavioral Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence, we will also spend considerable time discussing emotional disorders and their effects on the child and adolescent. We will discuss such issues as causal factors that lead to or promote such disorders, problems in classifying…
Emotional & Behavioral Disorders of Childhood & Adolescence
Text: Developmental Psychopathology (3rd Edition) by Charles Wenar Service Learning Coordinators: Jim Penticuff & Ken Weadick Office Hours: TR 11:00a.m. – 12:00 Noon W 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. & by appointment The purpose of this course is to study the development, classification, intervention and treatment of classic childhood behavioral and emotional disorders. Although the title of this course is Behavioral Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence, we will also spend considerable time discussing emotional disorders and their effects on the child and adolescent. We will discuss such issues as causal factors that lead to or promote such disorders, problems in classifying…
Adolescent Development
BLAU 203 W 1:00-3:45 PM OFFICE HOURS: M W 10:00-11:30 AM, & by appt., 122 Children’s School, nr. Harkness Chapel, COURSE DESCRIPTION and OBJECTIVES. An examination of adolescence and youth with emphasis on personal, real-life, and timely topics that can be tied to current scholarly inquiry. This course will include lectures, group and class discussions, and multimedia presentations. Relative to the goals of the course, students will: consider the historical and social contexts of adolescent development; learn theories regarding the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, sexual, and moral development of adolescents; be exposed to current research and theory on risk factors affecting…
Communication and Aging
Course Description Course content includes the study of: biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of communication in normal aging and in a variety of disorders of speech, language, cognition, and hearing that affect elderly adults; diagnostic and treatment issues related to communication in aging; political, cultural, economic, and national health care issues affecting the delivery of services to assist elderly adults with communication disorders; expansion of career. opportunities in geriatric communication disorders. Service-Learning Component A large focus of this offering of HSS 733 will be on its service-learning component. Service- learning is an experiential teaching/learning approach that emphasizes active, engaged learning…
Advanced Video Production and Advertising
Introduction This interdisciplinary course is designed to give Broadcast & Electronic Communication Arts, Design & Industry, Speech Communication and Marketing students an opportunity to work together in a competitive, teamwork situation in the development of advertising campaigns for non-profit agencies. The purpose of this production class is to give students maximum exposure to the concepts and skills that are involved in the production of studio and field based television Public Service Announcement (PSA) and advertising; andto offer a community service opportunity. For our purposes, we will combine seven areas to form the art of Television Advertising Production. These are: 1….
Introduction to Nursing Concepts
“People won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” -Anonymous Nursing 140 is a writing intensive course and designed to introduce core concepts related to nursing as well as the philosophy and conceptual framework of the Nursing department. Core concepts explored include client, environment, health, nursing and health patterns. Historical, philosophical, and social development of nursing and the role of the professional nurse is addressed. Students are introduced to the concepts of service-learning and given the opportunity to integrate these concepts into their professional learning activities. Health and the health continuum are discussed in terms…
Education and Social Change
The practicum will be in one of the learning circles at Neighborhood House, on Monday or Wednesday, 6-9 PM, or Tuesday, 7-9 PM. An email “listserv” will be established for this class. Liberal Education Theme Requirements. This course counts toward two liberal education theme requirements: Cultural Diversity and Citizenship and Public Ethics. Course goals and means This course falls in the area of philosophy of education, but it also draws heavily on ideas from political philosophy, the philosophy of language and the theory of knowledge. It focuses on a family of approaches to education which has shown promise in moving…
American Government
Service Coordinators: Ms. Kim Carroll and Ms. Jennifer Outlaw "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts." – Abraham Lincoln "Service, combined with learning, adds value to each and transforms both."- Honnet and Poulsen, 1989 "O I see flashing that this America is only you and me,Its power, weapons, testimony, are you and me,Its crimes, lies, thefts, defections, are you and me,Its Congress is you and me, the officers, capitols, armies,ships, are you and me ….
Colloquium on Community Development
The purpose of this course is to engage students in the various ideas, debates and strategies regarding the development of inner city communities. You will hear speakers and discuss readings that will introduce you to the field of community development. You will examine the assumptions about community, agency, efficiency, equity and political efficacy that underlie discussions of community development. You will grapple with debates that animate the study and practice of community development. You will also engage in hands-on research that will assist the objectives of a local community-based, non-profit organization. Is there an effective "third sector" that is more…
American Public Policy
Description This course has three goals: to improve your understanding of the nature and content of existing American public policies, to improve your ability to analyze competing explanations for why policies are enacted, and to improve your ability to evaluate critically policy arguments and proposals for reform. If this course is successful, by the end of the semester you should be better equipped to address the following questions: What are American public policies? Why do these policies exist? and What policies should exist? We will pursue these goals through study of several contemporary policy issues. Because this course is about…
Clinical Neuropsychology
Course Overview In this course, a study will be made of the behavioral, physiological, and psychological effects of brain damage in the human being, and the assets and limitations of the methods used to assess such damage. Explored will be cases in which the effects are permanent, as well as reversible or progressive. Topics will include the effects of stroke, tumors, biochemical changes, and other neurological disorders upon the senses, perception, learning, memory, attention, and personality. Extant theories of brain function will be discussed in light of the effects of brain damage. Students will also be required to spend 3-5…
Counseling Methods and InterviewingTechniques
COURSE DESCRIPTION"This course acquaints the student with current views of counseling principles and methods. Interviewing techniques are introduced and developed through a workshop approach."TEXTBOOKS AND REQUIRED READINGSRequired: Interviewing in Action: Process and Practice, Bianca Cody Murphy and Carolyn Dillon, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1998. Interviewing in Action Video Book/Video Learning Package available at MWCC Boolutore. You will need to purchase a blank VHS Video Cassette. Additional reading materials will be handed out in class.OBJECTIVES OF THIS COURSE1. To understand the field of counseling and the ethical principles that guide the profession.2. To gain an understanding of the basic theories of psychology…
Emotional & Behavioral Disorders of Childhood &Adolescence
Text: Developmental Psychopathology (3rd Edition) by Charles Wenar Service Learning Coordinators: Jim Penticuff & Ken Weadick Office Hours: TR 11:00a.m. – 12:00 Noon W 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. & by appointment The purpose of this course is to study the development, classification, intervention and treatment of classic childhood behavioral and emotional disorders. Although the title of this course is Behavioral Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence, we will also spend considerable time discussing emotional disorders and their effects on the child and adolescent. We will discuss such issues as causal factors that lead to or promote such disorders, problems in classifying…
Applied Watershed Systems Restoration – Service Learning
Watershed Restoration in the Schools and CommunityWinter/Spring 2000 Semester Students with disabilities who may need accommodations please see me as soon as possible during office hours or by appointment. ESSP/SL MLO #11: Students must be able to share the relevance and importance of science with the culturally, linguistically, technologically, and economically diverse populations of our regional, national, and global communities. Students must be able to combine their ESSP discipline based knowledge with community experiences resulting in a new knowledge brought about by attention to the issues of social responsibility, justice, diversity, and compassion. Core Course Questions:1. How does participation in…
Field Botany
*Note: If class participants agree, the hours of some field trips may be extended to allow for travel time. In addition, an all day field trip is planned for Friday, June 6. MOST CLASS MEETINGS WILL INVOLVE FIELD TRIPS AND WE WILL LEAVE PROMPTLY AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH CLASS. PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE IF YOU WILL BE ABSENT SO WE DON’T WASTE TIME WAITING FOR YOU! PLAN TO ARRIVE AT THE CLASSROOM AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES PRIOR TO STARTING TIME. YOUR GRADE WILL BE COMPROMISED IF YOU MISS CLASS, PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE!!!! Texts: 1. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, by Lawrence…
Freshwater Ecology/Limnology
Course Number: BI 3184 F99Credits: 4SC 4; see schedule at officePrerequisites: BI 1014 and BI 1024 or BI 1114 and BI 1124 and either BI 2004 or GL 1023Class Hours: 3 hours lecture and one 3 hour laboratory weeklylecture: 1530-1645 hrs T R ES/KH 14 *laboratory A: 1430-1720 hrs M ES/KH 14laboratory B: 1230-1520 hrs R ES/KH 14Semester Offered: FallService Learning: Included in context of class responsibilities plus additional work Course Description:Freshwater ecology/limnology entails the study of aquatic organisms in relation to the environmental conditions of lakes and streams. Lotic and lentic waters will be characterized and contrasted. The physical,…
Land and Water Law
This course is designed for students preparing for careers in natural resource management. Students who successfully complete this course will have a better understanding of the legal and policy contexts in which natural resource managers function. The course is organized around the following five learning outcomes. A. Knowledge outcomes. Students will demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of: Outcome 1 – American property law with particular focus on water and land use regulation; Outcome 2 – Legal approaches to conserving private lands; Outcome 3 – Policy dilemmas facing federal land managers. B. Skills outcomes. Students will practice and demonstrate abilities to…
Community and Environmental Compatibilityin the York River Watershed York, Maine :A Service Learning Program
This course is listed as: Sociology 300, LSC 495 Human communities and the environment are increasingly endangered in today’s society. Pressures for economic growth, the world economy, and the expansion of state and national regulations have decreased local control and have heightened the strains on the environment. This Project draws on the combined resources of the students of the University of New England (UNE) Departments of Life Sciences and Social and Behavioral Sciences and the Community of York to develop the foundations for assessing the human impact on the York River Watershed in York. It will involve community officials and…