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National Issues Forums Issue Guide: A Ho
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First Annual Iowa Campus Compact Awards Presented April 13, 2007
Iowa Campus Compact presented awards to faculty, staff, students and community partners of its member institutions.
2007 Leadership in Action and Unsung Hero Student Award Winners Selected
Recognizing the work and dedication of several students.
Local Students Honored for Community Service
Some local students are honored for their dedication to community service. The Michigan campus compact recognized the work of five Michigan State University students. More than 100 students from 25 Michigan campuses received awards for their outstanding commitment to service learning and civic engagement.
MSU students to receive awards for dedication to community service
Each year the organization rewards students from its member colleges and universities across the state for their outstanding commitment to service learning and civic engagement.
Northeastern University, Wheelock College and Suffolk University
Public Consulting Group funds $10K award for winners
Ohio Wesleyan Senior Honored for Work in Vietnam
For the third time in three years, an Ohio Wesleyan student has won the prestigious Charles J. Ping Award, presented by the Ohio Campus Compact. This year’s winner is senior Jessica Schaffner. The award recognizes undergraduate students for their outstanding leadership and contributions to community service or service-learning on their campuses and within their communities. Jessica is one of only eight students in Ohio to be honored this year. The award includes a $500 honorarium that is given to the student’s charity or community partner.
Lilly Endowment Awards Three-Year Grant to Indiana Campus Compact
Organization Focuses on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
Break Away
Break Away’s mission is to train, assist, and connect campuses and communities in promoting quality alternative break programs that inspire lifelong active citizenship.
Three Massachusetts Campus-Community Projects Vie for 2007 Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Partnership Award
Boston, MA — Three Massachusetts institutions have been chosen as finalists for the state’s Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Partnership Award for Campus-Community Collaboration, which will be awarded Monday April 9, 2007, during a dinner ceremony at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The Carter Partnership Award, which recognizes model collaborations between colleges and community groups, carries with it a $10,000 prize for winning the program. Half of it goes to the academic institution and the other half goes to the partner community organization. The award is being organized by the Massachusetts Campus Compact, a higher education organization representing 65 college and…
Service-Learning in the Disciplines
A series of books on service-learning within specific disciplines, developed by Campus Compact and AAHE and available from Stylus Publishing.
Campus Compact Service Statistics
A concise summary of statistics on campus-based service, service-learning, and civic engagement, gleaned from Campus Compact’s annual member survey.
Indicators of Engagement Project
A multi-year research project to identify and promulgate successful engagement practices at different institutional types, including community colleges, minority-serving institutions, and comprehensive universities.
New Director of Utah Campus Compact Selected
Melissa Miller Kincart expected to define the compact’s future
Training for Change
Training for Change was founded on Martin Luther King’s birthday in 1992, a carefully chosen birthday for a group that spreads the skills of democratic, nonviolent social change. Since then we’ve led hundreds of workshops for nonviolent activists around the world.
Institute for Community Leadership National Nonviolence Leadership Corps
The NNLC is an intensive seven week traveling leadership experience for students from ICL programs across the country. The students who travel with the NNLC from the Bay Area to Seattle sleep on gymnasium floors, get up each morning at 6:00, cook their own meals with a traveling kitchen, teach in local schools throughout the day and carry out public events or additional workshops each evening. The student leaders study and practice the lives of Dr. Martin Luther King, Mohandas Gandhi, Cesar Chavez and other great leaders.”
Researching Your Politicians: Campaign Contribution and Voting Records
This site features incredible links to other campaign finance monitoring organizations as well as campaign contributions, money in politics, and voting records.
Campus Activism
This interactive website has tools for progressive campus activists. It is part of a network of websites that share information called the Activism Network.
Campus Organizing Guide for Peace and Justice
This resource includes information on planning meetings, starting groups, research tools, media help, and non-violent direct action.