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Diversity, Community & Service
REQUIRED TEXTS (available at PC Bookstore) Margaret L. Andersen & Patricia Hill Collins, eds. Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology. Charles Taylor, et al. Multiculturalism. …and other readings to be provided in class. COURSE DESCRIPTION One of the core requirements for Public Service majors and minors, this course is offered for the first time this spring. As such, I will be experimenting with format, reading materials, and assignments. You will have as much to say about the final form this course takes as this syllabus– to borrow (sort of) my colleagues’ words, this will not be a “virtual syllabus,” but…
National Service-Learning in Teacher Education Partnership
The 7 regional coordinators of the National Service-Learning in Teacher Education Partnership (NSLTEP) supported teacher education faculty at 21 institutions in developing service-learning components of their programs during the 1998-99 year. Service-learning has been integrated in many teacher education courses and numerous new collaborations with schools and community members are providing teacher education students with practical experiences in providing service to children and/or coordinating K-12 students involvement in service-learning activities. One site that is notable to mention as a success story is Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma. EVERY elementary school in their 3-T Tutoring program (coordinated by Dr. Fred Smiley,…
Student Resource Center and the Leadership Institute
The SDSU Student Resource Center oversees the Leadership Institute that has a number of programs, a conference, and a leadership course that are founded in the belief of the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (Higher Education Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles). The Student Resource Center staff truly believes that the development of leadership skills can and should be linked to the community. All of their initiatives include a service-learning component. SDSU Service Learning home E-mail:
Theater Classes
Mime and Movement The class partnered with members of On Stage! to create mime performances with a circus theme. The On Stage! program conducts theater classes and provides performance opportunities to adults coping with mental illness. Our students taught their students about mime and developed over the course of the semester a joint performance that was put on on-campus at the end of the semester. Improvisational Acting Students conducted improv workshops at four different sites. One site was On Stage!. Another site was with mentally disabled children. Another site was at a local elementary school with 3rd graders. And the…
Social Solutions course: Objective examination and subjective experience
Sociology represents one of the most common disciplines for service-learning, as service puts a human face on sociological theory. In the syllabus for Social Solutions at Johnson State College, sociologist Susan Green-Reynolds informs students that contemporary social issues that include homelessness, affordable housing, AIDS, urban issues, sexual orientation, racism, sexism, and environmental degradation will be both examined objectively and experienced subjectively. The subjective experience arises through 30 hours of community service which all students perform to complement readings by Jonathan Kozol, Randy Shilts, and others about American social problems. Students are also given the option of taking an accompanying full-credit…
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing course
Jan Lewis, a nursing instructor at Pueblo Community College, incorporated service-learning into a course entitled Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Through the course, nursing students joined teams of staff working with clients at the Colorado Mental Health Institute. Students were responsible for conducting a thorough assessment of clients needs, and then providing support and assistance as necessary to meet the needs of the clients and their families. At the end of the course, students reflected on the experience by making recommendations regarding treatment of the mentally ill. Their recommendations included increasing public education, developing common interest groups, and helping to…
Health education: Controlling Stress and Tension course
The service-learning component in Controlling Stress and Tension, a health education course at the University of Maryland, College Park, allows students to apply their learning to help the local community. Students have taught everyone from elementary school children to cancer patients to volunteer firefighters how to better handle the tensions associated with their lives. From Service Matters 1998: Engaging Higher Education In the Renewal of America s Communities and American Democracy Website
Educational psychology course: Knowing your own learning
Students who enroll in The Psychology of Learning at Bellarmine College, incorporate service-learning as a natural extension of their coursework. Students document the learning that they experience in a service project of their choosing, and apply the educational principles of reinforcement, observational learning, and modeling in a paper that they write about the experience at the end of the class. In this way, students learn as much from the way they process the experience as they do from the experience itself, and recognize the importance of relating the two. From Service Matters 1998: Engaging Higher Education In the Renewal of…
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant in Service-Learning Program
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) in Service-Learning Program Community Service Programs piloted an undergraduate teaching assistant (UTA) for service-learning program in fall 1999. UTAs enroll in EDUC 388 Special Topics in Education and EDCI 498 Special Problems in Teaching for a total of four credits. The program meets three objectives: provide assistance to faculty who integrate service-learning into their teaching; help students explore the art of teaching, especially using service-learning pedagogy; and support students and faculty as partners in connecting service-learning theory and practice. UTA-SL program web page: For further information, contact Marie Troppe at
Senior Capstone
One of the most significant activities for PSU is focused on the student constituency component of the Campus Assessment of Civic Responsibility and specifically relates to curriculum. It is the Senior Capstone, a required component of the 4-year general education program known as the University Studies Program (UNST). Interdisciplinary teams of students engage in a community or community-related project that integrates the learning in their major with the curricular goals of UNST, including ethical issues and social responsibility. Specifically, the goal states: “”Students will expand their understanding of the impact and value of individuals and their choices on society both…
Introductory Accounting course with extra credit option for tutoring
Students enrolled in Introductory Accounting at California State University, Chico, quickly learn that good business is about more than just good business skills. Professor Curtis DeBerg focuses on developing students leadership, teamwork, and communication skills, and uses service-learning to do the job. Students are given the extra credit option of spending one to two hours a week teaching business and computer literacy skills to at-risk youth. In this way, the course shows students the potential for business to have a meaningful impact on people s lives, at the same time as it teaches human skills often overlooked in business disciplines….
Student Leadership Academy
The Leadership Academy at Lansing Community College uses service-learning to help students develop the skills to become leaders in their community. Every fall, 15 students are selected to be part of a two-year series of four classes designed to teach skills such as leadership, event planning, and program evaluation. Service-learning is incorporated throughout the program, providing students with ways to connect their lessons in leadership to meaningful work in the community. At the end of the program, every member of the academy is required to do a final leadership project in the community. Student Leadership Academy web page
Psychology 1010 program
At the University of Utah, Psychology 1010 excels in simultaneously enhancing students academic learning while exposing them to practices of good citizenship. The PSYCH 1010 team accomplishes this, surprisingly, in a traditionally challenging environment: large classes of young, inexperienced first-year students. Agency surveys, student evaluations, and grades illustrate very positive feedback about both the service and the learning. Dr. David Dodd and two teaching assistants, trained and funded by the Lowell Bennion Community Center, refined the format and process of integrating service-learning into PSYCH 1010, and created a manual for subsequent 1010 classes. What they learned, accomplished, and documented may…
Service Learning and Living Community
he Service Living and Learning Community (Service LLC) is for incoming first-year students interested in integrating into campus life through a community service lens. The Service LLC introduces students to Elon by providing opportunities to volunteer with campus and community organizations, while providing a foundation for social justice education through discussion of important local issues. The Service LLC provides an opportunity to become familiar with the local community outside of the Elon bubble, and offers a residential opportunity to live alongside other students who are passionate about service and want to be engaged on campus. Since the Service LLC consists…
Service-learning placements in a course on developmental disabilities
At Middlesex Community College, Dr. Donna Duffy teaches a class on developmental disabilities which places students in a host of service-learning placements. Students in the class take part in activities like shadowing a vision teacher at a nearby association for the blind, reading the daily news on a radio station for the blind, and assisting physically disabled children with therapeutic horseback riding. From Service Matters 1998: Engaging Higher Education In the Renewal of America s Communities and American Democracy Contact: Dr. Donna Duffy at
The Urban Teacher Education Program
The Urban Teacher Education Program, where MCTC students enrolled in an AA degree program with a focus on urban education are given exposure in real classrooms at the elementary, middle and secondary school levels. These service-learning experiences occur in many urban schools across the Twin Cities area. Website
Cultural Anthropology course: Witnessing culture
The syllabus for Robert Franco s introductory course in Cultural Anthropology explains a set of outcomes that students are expected to achieve: for instance, understanding how anthropologists approach cultural analysis; observing differences and similarities between and within cultures, and developing a concept of culture that is applicable to local populations. Every one of these outcomes, the syllabus then explains, is best achieved through service-learning. Taking a truly anthropological perspective on service-learning, the syllabus goes on to say that you and I are equal partners in this, emphasizing that service-learning is best done through mutual understanding. Students provide at least twenty…
Performance and Social Change and Community-based theater
A version of Performance and Social Change and Community-based theater is taught to a class of 15 graduate and undergraduate students who spend 20-30 hours working with (somewhat vaguely defined) community-based theater groups. These include a program using theater to teach literacy in elementary schools, a theater company for highschool kids on the north side of Minneapolis, a few interactive theater companies, and a Latina women’s group celebrating La Posada. A lot of time is spent in the classroom asking questions about cultural colonization, social agency, and the responsibility of the artist/community to engage in mutual exchange. Also questioned is…
Sociology II course: Serving multiple populations
Service to people in poverty can be a perfect fit for sociology courses in which students study the social relationships and institutions that affect poverty. Johnson & Wales University students who enroll in Sociology II, a course on the social institutions of society, have the opportunity to sample a wide range of service-learning experiences in and around Providence, Rhode Island. Students in the class are placed in sites that address a variety of issues connected with poverty: issues such as lack of education, poor health care, and homelessness. By serving a variety of populations affected by inter-related issues, students provide…
Presidential address and hosting a High School Leadership Conference
On October 14, 1999, President Yanikoski delivered a major address to students, faculty, staff, alumni and trustees in commemoration of his five-year anniversary as president of Saint Xavier University. In this address, entitled “”Countering a Culture of Impermanence: Reflections on Five Years as University President,”” President Yanikoski promised to “”carry curriculum and co-curriculum into the community in ways that give students and professors meaningful opportunities to integrate theory with practice”” and to “”find more occasions to use the campus . . . as a site for discourse with the larger community of scholars, practitioners, and neighbors regarding ethical and civic…