Experiential Philanthropy Syllabi and Program Models

Experiential Philanthropy Syllabi

Research conducted by David Campbell (SUNY Binghamton University) indicates that most experiential philanthropy courses (courses involving direct student grant making) fall into three categories:

Category A: Undergraduate liberal arts courses emphasizing issues underlying philanthropy including altruism, giving motivation, social change, nonprofits and government.

Category B: Undergraduate, pre-professional and master’s level courses emphasizing practical applications of philanthropy within a professional context.

Category C: Mixed model courses emphasizing both disciplinary context and professional application.

Please note that these resources represent a fraction of those contained in our database of syllabi available to educators interested in teaching philanthropy. For more samples, search the database for “philanthropy.” If you are interested in submitting a syllabi for inclusion in our database, please view the criteria for submission.

Sample Programmatic Approaches

Program models on college student philanthropy can provide information about the amount of money that students distribute, charitable giving vehicles, requirements linked to resource distribution, and more.  Researchers have identified two primary program models for student philanthropy (Olberding, 2009; Northern Kentucky University, 2007). The first model, “direct giving” involves students in a grant making process where they conduct needs assessments, issue Requests for Proposals, and make decisions about awards. Student decision making has a direct impact on the funding of community-based organizations. The second model, “indirect giving” engages students in the grant making process as reviewers of applications submitted to foundations or other grant making organizations. In this model, students make recommendations for funding, but final decisions are made by the grant making organization. A brief synopsis of three “direct giving” models is listed below. We invite you to submit your program model. All submissions will be reviewed before posted.

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