Gloria Endicott

Kentucky Wesleyan College

Gloria Endicott is an outstanding student leader here at Kentucky Wesleyan College who is active in addressing issues for women on campus and beyond. Gloria started the Feminist Club as a way to make women's voices heard. This has recently evolved into an association with the local branch of the American Association of University Women. Gloria is currently working to build the campus AAUW membership and programming.

Dr. Tom Mitzel
Kentucky Wesleyan College

Personal Statement

During my freshman year at Kentucky Wesleyan I started the college’s first Feminist Club with one of my close friends. After deliberating over some underrepresented problems, we felt the women of Wesleyan, those equally dedicated students who are pursuing higher education, should have their voices heard. Reading about, writing about, and advocating for women has been my focus for the majority of my college career. I decided to pick up political science as a second major my sophomore year in order to understand how the world impacts marginalized humans. While attending an international relations course I realized women are still an underutilized resource in the political arena. At the end of my sophomore year I received the Powell Peace award which recognizes students who are pursuing the study of international peace and civic duty. I have recently become a member of the American Association of University Women’s Owensboro branch and hope to carry out more work as an officer for Wesleyan’s AAUW club. While continuing my studies in graduate school I want to influence young minority women and girls to pursue higher education by becoming a mentor and speaking to them through my writing.

Gloria Endicott
Political Science/English: Class of 2021
written 2020

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