Survivor voices: Co-learning, re-connection, and healing through community action research and engagement (CARE)

May 1, 2015

This paper examines the community-campus partnership between the Trauma Healing Project (THP) and the University of Oregon Psychology and Counseling Services Department, examining Survivor Voices, a community-based PAR mixed methods study that was developed and implemented through this partnership. This collaboratively designed study aimed to understand from survivors of abuse “what hurt” and “what helped” from the process of dealing with trauma and what recommendations these survivors could provide about trauma healing. Methods, quantitative/qualitative results, and challenges/lessons learned are presented, as well as a section reflecting on how the partnership and PAR methods can be useful tools in a community’s ability to address abuse and reduce violence.

Cortez, P., Dumas, T., Joyce, J., & Olson, D. (2011). Survivor voices: Co-learning, re-connection, and healing through community action research and engagement (CARE). Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 5(2), 133-142. Full Text.

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