Making College Happen
Welcome to Making College Happen, a web guide for colleges and universities, their administrators, faculty, students, and communities. The goals of Making College Happen are to help campuses (1) increase the number and diversity of students entering colleges and universities and (2) increase the success of entering students, particularly first-generation students and those from historically underserved communities. Inspired by former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Reach Higher campaign and Campus Compact’s tradition of engaging college presidents, faculty, students and communities, the Making College Happen guide is designed to bring dozens of resources, exemplary program models, and innovative practices into a single source that our members and their partners can apply to local contexts to create alignment around the common goal of making college happen.
Building on the conversations among college presidents at the President’s Leadership Summit and 2010 research brief, A Promising Connection: Increasing College Access and Success through Civic Engagement, Campus Compact is offering a practical guide to implementing its recommendations from the brief, presenting new and innovative approaches that have emerged since its publication, and offering resources for campuses and their communities to increase access and success through engagement strategies.
Making College Happen Sections:
A. Institutional Mission
B. Curricular and Co-Curricular Levels
C. Outreach / Engagement Center
D. Financial Aid Incentive Programs
E. Innovations