Ashley Ebel, Alfred State College
Ashley Ebel, a fourth year student at Alfred State, is a student leader active in issues related to global poverty. Inspired by her global service experiences, she has become a leading advocate for the work of Little Angels of Honduras. This nonprofit, started by recent Alfred State alumni, seeks to address the shockingly high infant mortality rate impacting families throughout this country. Ashley has become an ambassador for this cause on campus by raising awareness, mobilizing volunteers, organizing events, and raising money and in-kind contributions. She started a new student organization, Hope for Honduras, which is taking a lead role in this effort. She has worked with Greek organizations, other clubs and individual students to go to Honduras, invest money, and donate supplies to support the cause. Ashley states that “all the work I have done with Little Angels has shown me exactly what I want to do with my life”. This is a student passionate about addressing a root cause of a community’s challenge- the provision of adequate supplies, facilities, and training to babies.
-Skip Sullivan, President
My first international volunteer trip to Peru first inspired me to meet human needs and led me to my current work with Little Angels of Honduras- a non-profit started by a recent alumnae. The mission of this incredible organization is reducing infant mortality in Honduras- a country ranked the third worse in this area in the western hemisphere. My role is to raise awareness, generate funds, and mobilize personal involvement on this campus and beyond. I started a new student organization, Hope for Honduras, which is organizing large scale events alongside other clubs to raise funds and supplies. A spring break trip is designed to develop other ambassadors for this cause. All of the funds we raise go directly to the organization to start implementing the construction of a new hospital in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The awareness we are bringing to people helps to accomplish our goal of raising funds and the supplies collected are providing immediate help to under resourced neo-natal units. I am seeking to build a sustainable movement to help infants and families in Honduras- and demonstrate how anyone can make a difference in lives every single day.
-Ashley Ebel