Patrick Ammerman, Swarthmore College

Patrick Ammerman, a junior at Swarthmore College, has demonstrated leadership through his enduring commitment to environmental sustainability. A Biology major with minors in English Literature and Environmental Studies, Patrick has integrated his academic program with environmental activism. His ongoing work has created essential bridges for collaboration among various constituencies on and off campus. Patrick served as the Swarthmore Environmental Sustainability Liaison, facilitating communication among the College’s seven student environmental groups by convening meetings of the student Ecosphere coalition, preparing a weekly environmental newsletter called SwatEcosphere for the College community, and serving as student liaison and administrative support to the College’s multi-constituent, campus-wide Sustainability Committee. Patrick is the co-founder of SwatFrackAction, a student-run group dedicated to education and activism regarding hydraulic fracturing for natural gas; in that capacity he has worked to organize events such as inviting guest speakers to campus and helping to organize a trip bringing students to a front line community. Patrick has partnered off campus as well, serving as a summer intern for, a coalition of local community members committed to sustainability initiatives. Through his relationship building, quiet leadership, organizational initiatives, and strong writing skills, Patrick serves as a vital resource for environmental awareness and justice.

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