Katie Ogawa, Trinity University
A tireless advocate for the homeless, Katie Ogawa has turned her compassion and energy for helping those in need into action. A junior at Trinity University in San Antonio, Katie has been involved in many campus and community programs. She created and has led a residential living-learning community and associated seminar course related to homelessness HOPE (Homelessness Outreach Pursuing Education) Hall, where she serves as a Resident Assistant. Katie has designed this program to include leadership training and with an infrastructure that will allow the program to grow after her graduation in 2014. Whether organizing programs, making sandwiches, managing the Web page, or leading meetings, Katie treats students, community partners, and the homeless with great sensitivity, joy, and dignity. Additionally, Katie has international service learning experience in Nicaragua, Botswana, and Dominica. A stellar student majoring in Biology, Katie hopes to pursue a career in medicine and public health. She is extremely active and beloved on the Trinity campus. She is a member and officer in the student Ambassador and Distinguished representative campus programs and is a member of APO.