5th Annual Global Service-Learning Institute at Cornell Imminent
In case you’ve missed it, an engaging opportunity for deep thinking and reflection on global service-learning is just around the corner. Here’s the institute announcement from New York Campus Compact:
Do you currently teach a global/international service-learning course? Are you considering developing a global service-learning course and/or program? Do you want to transform an international course into one that is community-connected? Then this is the institute for you.
This intensive institute will provide faculty, adminstrators and professional teaching staff with the reflective space and time to discuss and develop an action plan in the following areas: how to buy shares UK, course and program design, on-site review, risk management, financial planning and management, learning outcomes, assessment strategies, tools for reflection, articulation agreements, reciprocal community partnerships, and strategies for creating institutional buy-in. A global service-learning handbook will be provided.
The 2012 GSLI will be co-facilitated by Dr. Richard Kiely, Director, Center for Community Engaged Learning and Research, Cornell University, and Dr. Eric Hartman, former Executive Director, Amizade Global Service-Learning, independent consultant, and Temple University faculty member.
$150 NYCC Member
$200 Nonmember
Registration includes lunch and reception Thursday, breakfast and lunch on Friday, and free admission to the Ithaca Festival, an annual event that “is the premier music and arts festival of its kind in the region.” For more information, go to http://www.ithacafestival.org/.
For more information and to register, please visit: http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1085164
Space is limited, so be sure to register now.
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