Community Engagement Professional’s Guidebook

January 24, 2019

Link: Community-Engagement-Professional-s-Guidebook


This book is a companion guide to Campus Compact’s successful publication The Community Engagement Professional in Higher Education. In the first text, Campus Compact Research Fellows – led by award-winning practitioner-scholar Lina D. Dostilio – identified a core set of competencies needed by professionals charged with leading community engaged work on college and university campuses. In this companion guide, Dostilio teams up with Marshall Welch to offer specific guidance on how a community engagement professional (CEP) might conceptualize, understand, and develop their practice in each of the original competency areas.

The guidebook offers a rich and deep dive into the practice of higher education community engagement, breaking down the essential components of a professional’s work. From mentoring faculty research to leading campaigns that build civic engagement curricula on campus to managing the staff who support community engagement units, Dostilio and Welch tackle the breadth of the CEP’s work by drawing on key resources and their own decades of experience in the field. Throughout the book, readers will encounter Compass Points that call for personal reflection and engagement with the text. These interactive moments combine with end-of-chapter questions to prompt thinking about a CEP’s critical commitments, creating a powerful and engaging tool kit that should be considered essential for any person doing community and civic engagement work on campus.

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