The International Assocation for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) is excited to offer the Practitioner Scholar Forum again this year! This full day of programming will be held on the preconference day in New Orleans - Monday, September 26, 2016. Registration is $70. Held annually, the Practitioner-Scholars Forum (PSF) offers a dialogue and development space for community engagement professionals who see IARSLCE as a critical venue through which practitioners activate their scholarship and scholarly identities. This year, the PSF will be held as a full-day pre-conference, generously supported by PSF sponsors. The 2016 PSF session's theme is Building a Scholarly Practice. After the morning's introduction to the practitioner scholarship framework and literature aimed at cultivating a practitioner-scholar identity, participants will choose between three topics for afternoon collaborative spaces: 1) partnership development, 2) faculty development, and 3) student learning outcomes. The collaborative space sessions will provide participants with an opportunity to explore scholarly approaches to these practitioner areas....